As most of you are well aware of, I love music. I can spend my whole entire day listening to music and die if I can't. I recently discovered a new application that I downloaded to my iPod Touch, called SongZa. It is an awesome blog that provides you with playlists with music that is out of your music library!! The home page of the app gives you different options on what mood of activities you are doing according to the time of day. For example, if it Saturday morning, it might say: Waking up with energy, Driving, Working Out, Cooking, Getting Fired Up, among others. When you click on the one you like, it offers six different types of genres of music that later provide three playlist for you to chose. It begin to play music, however your are only allowed to skip a certain amount of songs an hour and you cannot go back to a song or chose an specific song to play. In addition,  there is a side bar that gives you the option of getting other playlists according to: activities, moods, genres and decades. In each on of these, there are MILLIONS of options!! For example, on decades, you can click on 2012, it proves you will a bunch of different playlists!! I would so recommend this blog to anybody who is really into music and that like to discover new music, because you get to listen to songs you had never even heard of, or had the time to download.