Missions statements are fundamental when it comes to promoting a brand/company and showing the purpose of its existence. However creating different mission statements requires a large amount of brainstorming and creativity. While creating missions statements for our alianzas, we encountered several challenges. For example, we had many difficulties in terms of creating and thinking of different phrases that followed the rules of a good mission statement such as to not use complex words and instead to keep it simple and catchy so that it could be memorable and easy to remember, at the same time as communicating the main objectives of our group. Since we had to brainstorm of one or more statements, we tried to think about different ways to approach an audience keeping in mind the image that this will portray on them. We overcame this obstacle by looking over the different tips to creating a successful mission statement and later looked at the statements we had created and chose the one that best represented us and that was best put into one phrase.