After testing out various remixing sites, I could easily come to a conclusion on which i thought was best due to its features and how easy it was to utilize. The site i enjoyed the most was Party Cloud. This is because, unlike the two other sites, it contained a beat visualizer and a synchronize button which allowed me to mix two different songs and see how their beats compared. I really liked using this site because of how it was set up and how it was so easy to use, knowing where each button was. The other site that i enjoyed using, however less, was Until AM. It contained the basic elements that Party Cloud had and had a greater variety of songs. The reason this was not the best site was because it did not have the beat visualizer or the automatic synchronizer. Its setup, however, was also very easy to utilize and despite the previously mentioned negative elements,  I would also recommend this site. The site I least enjoyed was BLOB because I personally found no pleasure in changing the volumes of instruments in a song, however, it could become useful when trying to do songs without their instruments or with only one beat. For these reasons, the site I recommend the most and that I believe includes the best tools in remixing is Party Cloud. Party Cloud: http://www.partycloud.fm
Until AM: http://mix.until.am
 BLOB: http://www.blobprod.com/mixers/beatbox/beatboxmain.asp

For music fans, having to obtain the permission of the original author to do a remix or utilize their music can be  a negative element. This is due to the fact that some fans really enjoy music and have ideas to modify songs and possible create a mash-up on two songs. Having to ask permission to the direct artist to use their songs can become a dilemma being that not everybody has access to them. Many users on YouTube change songs and create their own versions, however, despite the fact that they may include the information about the original song, it is not officially correct and allowed for them to do so according to the standard copyrights requirements. I believe that the terms in order for someone to use the song of an artist have to be changed so that people around the world can use songs of their like to create an original piece, as long as they include the information of the original song and artist. For these reasons, I believe that fair use becomes a negative element for music fans. 

The type of technology tools that schools should make sure all students have access to are laptops, ipads or computers in each classroom. Despite the fact that many people argue that this will create a decrease in writing practice, it is important that we assume the increase in technology in daily routines. For this reason, each student should be allowed one of these tools in class so that they can take down notes in a faster way, access internet for more information, among others. In addition,the majority of students occupy technological devices out of school, of which most of the time are spent on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.. instead of homework. If more technological devices were available in school, I believe it might allow students to have a better control on the time spent on computers at their houses. What do you think?