Have you every asked yourself if your lifestyle is healthy? It includes everything starting from what you eat to how you keep you body physically healthy. Starting off with daily aliment: it is important to inject the right amount of proteins and nutrient into you body so that it can have the necessary energy to function properly throughout the day. This is difficult because sometimes people think that they should not eat in order to maintain themselves healthy, concept that today can be mistaken for being physically skinny. INCORRECT. Starving yourself is something you should never do! Fruit, vegetables, meat and other aliments that contain proteins and vitamins  that you body needs are great to keep you body in a healthy state. However, buying burgers from McDonalds or CupNoodles are not healthy at all even if they contain these food elements. This is because they are processed food meaning that they were produced using chemicals and unhealthy elements that just damage your body. When deciding what to eat, try to avoid anything that is processed and instead chose organic and natural food. Nevertheless, it is also important to enjoy life and occasionally eat some "guilty pleasure" food such as cupcakes, chocolate and cookies but not base your daily aliment on these. 

But what about being physically healthy? Exercise. It is the base to maintaining your body in a fit shape. Among many effects, it increases your metabolism, combats health conditions and diseases, boost energy and can improve your mood. Besides feeling satisfied with training your body it helps your self-esteem and allows you to be more confident with your body. I personally love doing sports. If you are not the type of person that enjoys going to work out at gyms and go running, like me, try doing sports! I love feeling the adrenaline and being competitive both playing in groups and alone. I enjoy playing tennis because it is a sport that will make you really independent and focused on yourself, but playing soccer or basketball, sports that are in groups, also take the pressure off! AND you don't always have to play for points, you can play for fun! 
Hopefully I was able to help and inspire you to take a second to think about your life conditions and how you can improve your body health situation!

10/27/2013 06:57:32 am

Hi! I really liked this post, sometimes we don't even question ourselves if we are eating healthy or even living healthy. And I also think it's important to do excercise, play, move, be active, VERY GOOD POST! KUTGW :)

Javiera Diaz
10/27/2013 06:59:34 am

Thanks Reni! :)


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