The type of technology tools that schools should make sure all students have access to are laptops, ipads or computers in each classroom. Despite the fact that many people argue that this will create a decrease in writing practice, it is important that we assume the increase in technology in daily routines. For this reason, each student should be allowed one of these tools in class so that they can take down notes in a faster way, access internet for more information, among others. In addition,the majority of students occupy technological devices out of school, of which most of the time are spent on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.. instead of homework. If more technological devices were available in school, I believe it might allow students to have a better control on the time spent on computers at their houses. What do you think?

8/1/2013 05:26:27 am

You're so right Javi!! I wish schools would do that because besides the fact that it's faster and more practical, it would help us a lot in the future. You did a really goood job explaining your opinion and I think you have a point!!

Renata Murúa
8/1/2013 05:46:40 am

I agree with you Javi, as we are an evolving specie, it's necessary to include technological devices to our daily routine. Besides, the more use we have as students with technological devices, the more responsible we become!. Great blog Abbeyh!! :)

8/1/2013 06:20:45 am

I think you're right especially when you say it is important that we assume the increase in technology in daily routines. Besides the devices you mention are essential to doing a lot of things.


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