For the first time, I used a professional remix site, Partycloud,  to make my own mix of songs. I found this exciting task difficult and complex at several moments, but never the less fun. One challenge that i faced was choosing songs, not only because it was hard to decide from all of the song that I came up with and would like to make a remix with, but also because it was challenging to find two songs that coincided on their beats and type of music, aiming for a smooth transition. I was able to overcome these difficulties because i spent a large amount of time, both my house and at school, playing around with different tools and mixing up two songs. I finally found five songs that had almost perfect transitions and i utilized these. In addition, i did not start each song from the beginning, but instead i started songs at points where a the beats of the two songs would coincide. Overall, this was a great experience both because i was able to learn more about remixing, the tools necessary to use for a better transition between songs and what types of songs best combine. What have been your challenges when remixing?

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