I believe that the most important rule and advice when one is making a logo deals with making sure it is visually attractive without over loading it with special effects and colors. I personally think that to attract a persons attention it is not necessary to have big letters or multiple images and strong colors, but instead to keep it simple because this way, people will be able to understand the main point of the logo instantly and not get "dizzy" with so many words. Independent if the logo portrays what a company/ product does, keeping the image simple and direct with allow for an audience to recognize it instantly. When referring to keeping a logo simple, it does not mean that it has to be colorless and with just one image, but it can also include fun effects such as negative spaces or a double entendre, meaning that it can show different or hidden meanings to a single image. For example, the Apple logo shows an apple with a "byte" and it does not include huge words or images and yet it is one of the most popular logos around the world. In other words, it is important to keep a logo simple because the whole intention of making a logo is for people to REMEMBER the brand. It has to STICK to peoples minds because they are what make costumers choose one product over another since people tend to follow brands that are familiars. Do you agree with me?

10/27/2013 06:54:32 am

Hi Abbey! I agree with that, it is very important to make a logo simple, with the necessary details but without overloading it. And the best example of that is Apple, it shows just an Apple with a bite but by just seeing it you recognize it inmediately. Good Job!

10/27/2013 07:05:24 am

I agree Javi!! I think simplicity will always work and will allow people to recognize the logo easier than when it has too much distracting elements.


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